Thursday, December 22, 2011


up some odds n' ends. (Oh, a Christmas-related pun. We're all topical up in here, bitches.)

Mr Waldman's minions (one familiar, one new) came yesterday as scheduled and I have a correctly working kitchen faucet, a garbage disposal, and the ability to use both sides of my double sink. I am very sure this is worth the huge check I wrote them, if not least for the fact that my friends will no longer spray themselves in the face accidentally while attempting to use said sink. Plus, my new faucet is pretty. So pretty and retro. Mr Waldman's minions told me it's a good faucet, too, nice and heavy and sturdy. Got the thumbs up. They had to re-pipe because the new garbage disposal didn't connect exactly the way the other one did, even though I bought the exact model they told me to. They didn't charge me for this, on the hush-hush. I promised I would not call their boss and demand to be charged more. Ha!

Plumber #1 and I bonded over the fact that I made them listen to 90s music the whole time they were in my house. (Hey, I was paying them enough that *they* did not get to pick the radio station, you know?) He told me he was going to see Tool at the Gahden and also that he had seen No Doubt and Bush tour in the 90s, which is the tour Gwen and Gavin hooked up during. I told him that was historic. Lulz. This was, by the way, after they already told me they weren't going to charge me for putting in the new pipes, so it wasn't like our embarrassing shared musical tastes were responsible.

In other news, I still have not finished painting the back door. Also, I think I fucked up my dryer when I pulled it out from the wall to paint. Smooth move, Andrea. I need an effin' keeper. Should have ascertained whether Plumber #1 was single. Maybe he needed a date for Tool.

And in other, other news, I have eaten nothing today but cookies. And I am not even ashamed to admit it. I went to Costco yesterday after my plumbing adventures and there were people handing out food samples literally every twenty feet. We tried all of them, pretty much, from the tempting (tiramisu, six kinds of cheese) to the not-so (granola bar chunks, dry cereal), JUST BECAUSE IT WAS THERE. I will be detoxing after New Years', but right now my body is saying, yo! feed me moah! and I am listening.

Okay. Happy December 22, all y'all.


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