Friday, December 2, 2011

things i must tell you, part whatever

Okay, no one's holding a gun to my head or anything. I just want to share. We'll get back to substantive posts sometime soon, but right now I'm not really up to it. Some of you know, I'm on a diet again. Just till the week before Christmas. I've also not been sleeping well in general. Put the lack of proper sleep together with the absence of the 2200 calories a day to which I have become accustomed and you have an Andrea who is dragging ass. I have all these ideas for things I want to write about, here and elsewhere, but when I sit down at the computer I can't summon up the energy to be coherent, never mind entertaining. So, soon. But not now. Now you just get odds n' ends.

1.) Found out yesterday on the hush-hush that the hospital is giving us bonuses this year. Substantial bonuses. (Well, substantial if you get paid what I do. Not substantial for people who have actual well-paying jobs. I'm sure some of you all get bonuses that make the one we're getting look like couch change.) We *never* get bonuses. Usually employee appreciation is like "join us for an ice cream social in the cafeteria!" So this is good. Official announcement is supposed to be on Monday. Money's supposed to be in our checks Thursday. Yay.

2.) My hallway paint looks better after sitting a week. I'm sure you were worried.

3.) I still haven't put my heat on this year and no one's gone down with either frostbite or hypothermia. I do, however, want one of these or similar. I asked D if he wanted one, like for Christmas, and he said no. He sleeps in a hoodie anyway. Sometimes with the hood over his head. Fruit of my womb.

4.) I got email yesterday from a guy who wants to, and I quote, jizz on my bicep. That's...charming. I think I'm going to Northeast Animal Shelter this weekend and start on the cat collection. This whole heterosexual relationship business seems like more trouble than it is worth.

5.) I have pretty much stopped having hot flashes. Also, I have not done anything spectacularly stupid lately. Apparently my hormones are settling down.

6.) I did NOT see that ending of The`Walking Dead coming, but I'm glad that plot line is tied up. Now no more shows till February. WTF?

7.) I have bought exactly one Christmas present and haven't even begun thinking about what to do with decorations this year. Well, I take that back. I'm toying with the idea of putting up the infamous white Xmas tree. Maybe.

Okay, enough's enough. Smooches, bitches.



crispix67 said...

My good friend and Reiki teacher has one of those- she LOVES it!

Congrats on the bonus! I remember working at the hospital, first year we got $125 in gift certificates to the local mall. Next year we got a smaller gift certificate...then after that it was gift baskets with pens and mugs promoting the hospital. Um, thanks. Then it went to cards and as you said "Join us for ice cream in the cafeteria"

Us self employed dont get bonuses. I guess we get tips though, which at Christmas can sometimes be very big and very sweet :-)

crispix67 said...

Oh, and...Ive heard its good for your skin ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

I wish you many sweet tips :-)

Oh, yeah, we occasionally get logo'd items as employee appreciation, too. My favorite was the time they gave us stainless steel travel mugs, then like a couple months later sent out this panicked email saying not to use them, because the lids didn't stay on properly (um, yeah, figured that one out my own self) and they were safety hazard. LOL

malevolent andrea said...

"a safety hazard"

I still haven't gotten any sleep. Don't expect, like, articles or prepositions, ok?