Friday, December 16, 2011

i am bemused

As of this morning, IT refuses to let me look at my own other blog because of pr0n content. Apparently pictures of me in my underwear WITH ALL MY PARTS COVERED are too hawt for Partners Healthcare. And this is probably going on my permanent record somewhere. I can't even tell you how amused/appalled this makes me. Should I appeal it?!??

I will of course have to write a post on it over there, ranting about how some computer dweebs are sexualizing totally non-sexual pictures that are meant to show my muscular development, muscular development which is a hard-won product of many hours at the gym working my ass off, and which is done for me, not for "the male gaze." Fuckers. I bet I could out-deadlift every one of them.

Um, hi, kids. How are you all? I finally got almost all of my Christmas shopping done. This is what my son asked for: a multi-pack of the fish oils he likes, two pairs of Champion (so not even expensive) basketball shorts, and a $50 amazon gift card. It is a far cry from the days when I would have to hit up every Toys R Us and discount store in eastern Massachusetts, looking for some illusive action figure that everyone was sold out of, lest my kid's Christmas be totally ruined. On the one hand, yeah, a much more pleasant shopping experience. On the other? It's kind of sad to me that he really wants nothing--sad for reasons that are hard for me to explain. But I don't wanna get all holiday-melancholy here, because you know this time of year is hard for me and I've been doing pretty good staving off those feelings. Better just to channel them into rage against those IT bastards.


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