Tuesday, December 20, 2011

this is weird

I had on CNN in the background and there was a commercial for... Kazakhstan. The country. In Central Asia. Opining on what a wonderful, modern place it is. It wasn't even suggesting we all pack our suitcases and come visit or anything. It was just saying, yeah, Kazakhstan's cool.


I kept waiting for it to be some kind of parody or something, but it wasn't.

Has anyone else seen this? I swear to god, if I ingested any psychoactive drugs this afternoon, it was by accident.

In other news, I came home this afternoon to (besides very odd advertising on CNN) a very warm, comfortable house. Then I realized that was because my son put the thermostat on 68 while I was at work. Oh, we are gonna have a talk about this later. It ain't gonna be 68 in here this winter unless he gets a job to pay my electric bill. Grr.

Finally, did I tell you about my experimental banana bread last week? I can't remember. Anyway, it didn't come out very well, but I'm trying again tonight. After I run to the store, which I should be doing instead of typing to you all. Long, long time readers will remember my historic inability to make zucchini bread, even though I tried for many summers in a row with a plethora of different recipes. Banana bread seems to be going down the same route. But yet I persist. Just like, um, Kazakhstan! Yeah, that's it...Kazakhstan!


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