Saturday, June 20, 2009

weekend misc

1.) My herbs are doing well! I picked and used some basil today for [this shrimp/rotini/garlic/grape tomato stuff I make which we will call] scampi and I was inordinately proud of myself, like I had invented a cure for swine flu or brokered peace between the Crips and the Latin Kings. Or something. I felt accomplished. (Shut up.) I also have enough mint to probably make *a* mojito, but fuck all if I'm buying a bottle of rum for just that. But, see, here's my problem: being a very inexperienced gardener--by which I mean to say, as I've told you before, I've killed most of my past experiments with my deadly black thumb--I kind of didn't remember I should mark what is what. The basil I can tell by how it looks. The mint I know because I picked a leaf and experimentally chewed it. I'm pretty sure I planted lavender, but I threw away the package, so I dunno what it's supposed to look like. And the stuff that I know is in the pot that's supposed to be catnip does not look like the picture on that package, which I still have. So maybe it's an extraneous weed. I swear to god, I was on the Dean's list in college. I used to be intelligent. Sigh.

2.) So, as soon as I got home from work today, I started ripping apart my living room and dining room, because I'm cleaning the (at least) downstairs, which was what I was supposed to do yesterday, except yesterday I opted to take a three hour nap instead. I had an easy day at work yesterday, too, but I dunno, my uterus and I still are in a fight and I didn't feel so well. Today I'm much perkier though, so yeah, started cleaning right away. And because I like music to clean by and I didn't feel like bringing my iPod speakers downstairs, I put on satellite radio on my Directv. Specifically "lithium" which is the channel that plays 90s alternative, i.e. the best music evah, ha! And maybe I've inhaled too much Pledge Clean and Dust, but I have a couple confessions to make. I like the Stone Temple Pilots. I do. I never bought any of their CDs in the actual 90s, having at least a little shame left back in those days, but I'm seriously thinking of downloading at least Sex Type Thing. Second confession: I also like Mr Gwen Stefani and his crappy 90s band, whose CDs I did buy (or in one case, have gifted to me), and his handsome face and his ability to knock Gwen up with extremely adorable babies whom she then spits out of her incredibly stylish pregnant body and proceeds to dress them adorably and stylishly as well. By which I mean to say, Mr Rossdale, you obviously rule. The fact that you apparently could give a shit that you are in fact Mr Gwen Stefani and no one cares about your crappy 90s band anymore also endears you further to me. Keep sexing up that pretty wife of yours, count her piles o' money for her, and provide more of that stellar genetic material. It's not a bad life, is it, dude? And I did so sing along to Glycerine while I was vacuuming.

3.) Seriously, I haven't been huffing furniture polish. I'm blaming this on my evil uterus. Now I must go clean more. Peace!


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