Sunday, June 28, 2009

review: five guys

For your edification, I made the supreme sacrifice and ate a bacon cheeseburger and fries yesterday (and then, later, for my own edification, a beer and a brownie, but we won't talk about that.)

The fries were really, really good, I thought. However, I could not finish a whole order. Five Guys give you a lot of fries. The burger was also pretty good (I chose lettuce, tomato, chopped onion and ketchup as my toppings) but I had the same problem I usually have when I get a burger out, especially one where I don't get a choice of how it's cooked. I like my meat rare. Like r-a-r-e. So the Five Guys burger was definitely more done than I prefer. If you like your beef medium, medium-well, you will be more satisfied than I, I suspect.

I'll give them a four out of five.



Anonymous said...

Would that be four out of five... Guys?

Shockingly, I thought the abbreviated (no hot dogs or grilled cheese) Five Guys at the DC airport was better. Not way better, but a scootch better (especially the fries, which were not so well done and thus more fresh and potato-y tasting).

Given the usual quality of food in a public venue with a (very) captive audience, my only explanation is that Five Guys original location and world headquarters is with a couple of miles of the DC airport, thus they probably get more intense quality control scrutiny.

Still mighty good, though.

Uncle said...

Innteresting. I haven't been yet and I do like 'em medium, so we'll see.

The trouble these days is that even the five guys probably have a sixth guy--a lawyer--lurking in the background. He whispers, "no matter what they tell you, don't serve it rare."

Shakespeare had it right, but let's serve lawyers rare.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, yeah, the'll notice when you go that *on the front door* they have a big sign saying they serve peanuts in open containers. So they cannot be responsible for your anaphylaxis!