Wednesday, June 24, 2009

customer service/consumer complaints, edition #436

1.) What do you think of businesses or offices that never have anyone actually answering the phone, but instead just voicemail? I think it's JUST FINE, as long as, y'know, someone actually listens to the messages and returns them. Are we not in a recession? Do businesspeople not want business? WILL YOU TAKE MY MONEY, PLEASE?

2.) I'm sure I've bitched and moaned about this before, but why oh why do companies discontinue or change every product I actually like and am satisfied with? This weekend/week in my little cleaning fit, I scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees with Mr Clean, because, frankly, it was gross and disgusting. I mean, really really gross. But being as (as you know) I am lazy, I do not wish to do that every time I wash the kitchen floor. Usually I just wanna swiffer to keep it halfway presentable. Well. There used to be these wipey things for the swiffer that contained vinegar. I forget what company made them, but they were great. I haven't been able to find them in any of the stores I go to for probably two years. So, I try other inferior products. The last ones I got, "swiffer sweeper wet mopping cloths", not only suck, but they actually leave the floor sticky, as if it needs to be rinsed. Forgive me, but isn't the whole point of the swiffer that it's a lazy person's one step process? BIG FAIL.

Okay, that's it for now.



Craig H said...

Amen. For example, I had a thoroughly disappointing beer experience last night at the ball game (i.e. no beer worth experiencing anywhere in the park) and finding someone who will even take the call about it is proving to be more difficult than it ought to be. (Like you said, I WANT to give them more of my money).

My other peeve is how companies hardly ever (as in, never) ASK their customers before making their "new and improved" changes that are generally anything but. It's not like we aren't eager to tell them exactly what we think. And it's always funny (in a dark, as in black, sort of way) to hear them congratulating themselves on their brilliance after putting things back the way they always ought to have been, a la classic Coke.

(If only it wasn't illegal to sneak beers into the park...)

malevolent andrea said...

It's enough to make a person want to "go to Argentina."

:-) :-)

Anonymous said...

On those few occasions when I actually clean (so you know how much cleaning is then necessary) I've found the Swiffer WetJet worked way better than those wet pads on a standard Swiffer. Give one of those bad boys a try.

malevolent andrea said...

You pointed me in the direction of that stuff that really works great on the soap scum in the tub, so I suppose I should trust the WetJet rec too!