Sunday, June 7, 2009

girl power

Oh, fuck. I just realized I am sitting here in Boho Paradise with candles burning, drinking wine, about to go get a piece of cheesecake, listening to music which is mostly Tori, and thinking about doing some online shopping. In other words, I am every bad female stereotype you could imagine.

I think I need to scratch myself impolitely, switch the iPod to some really misogynistic rap, and/or at least read some sports blogs to pull myself out of this.

I'm eating the cheesecake first, though.



JLP said...

Speaking of girl power, I recently discovered this:


malevolent andrea said...

Okay, the Carl Jr one is *classic*. I haven't heard anyone use so many creative versions of the word douche since, well, my own last mouth-frothing rant. So, like, I totally respect that. :-)

And you'll all be happy to know that I'm now drinking non-diet Coke and listening to "Mother's Milk." That's a little less estrogen-soaked, right?