Tuesday, June 2, 2009

mouth o' babes

I had this little patient in work the other day, ten years old. Her parents were going to take her shopping for a new bike later in the day, but her mom was explaining that they couldn't go as soon as they got home because her dad, who is apparently an electrician, had to do a side job at Joe's [place of business] first.

Little girl: "Oh, yeah. He said I could go with him."

Little girl's mom: "No, you can't go with him. He's going to be up on ladders, going on the roof..."

Little girl: "That's okay. I can sit in the bar and eat. I'll talk to the bikers. I'll be like, 'So, what brings you in here? Stress?"

Andrea: ::loses it::

Little girl's mom: "There's no bikers--" ::loses it too::

I wanted to adopt her on the spot and bring her home with me, if only for the entertainment value.

It reminded me of the time when D was about 11 and they had a new kid at school. When they were going around introducing themselves, my son stands up and says, totally deadpan, "Hi. I'm D. And I'm an alcoholic." Oh, he got in so much trouble for that. But both I and his teacher literally had to bite the insides of our cheeks to keep from cracking up while we lectured him on how inappropriate it was to make jokes like that in class. And he could tell.


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