Tuesday, October 9, 2007

why, yes, yes, it does explain everything

So, I'm reading Now I Can Die in Peace by Bill Simmons, ESPN.com's Sports Guy columnist. You know, because it's the playoffs and there are no actual games till Friday and a girl's got to do something.

Mr. Simmons loves a good, digressive footnote and, um, so do I. (Not that I've ever used that particular literary device or anything.) On page 114, in footnote 188, Mr. Simmons says, and I'm just quoting the whole damn thing because it's perfect: "This is actually now my second-favorite Manny story of all time. The first? When his mother revealed that Manny was breast-fed until he was four years old. Never has one sentence revealed so much."

I don't know where I was or what was occupying my attention when this news item originally came to light, making me miss it entirely, but uh, yeah. I don't think I've ever read a paragraph that made me laugh as hard while also triggering that "ohhhhh, okay, all becomes clear now" sense of rightness as the above. The book's worth the $14.95 for that footnote alone.

Oh, and the chapter entitled "Is Roger the Anti-Christ?" That's just gravy.


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