Wednesday, October 17, 2007

it's a good thing

...I've got a kickass immune system, because apparently I'm very stupid, and a person's got to have some superior genetic endowment, don't they?

Why am I very stupid? you ask. Well, let's discuss why HVAC Guy had to replace the motor in my heating system. Remember that story many blogs ago about the grossly dirty air filter in the vent with the "replace every month for best energy efficiency" suggestion on it? Apparently there was one in the basement in the actual heating system too that I had never replaced. Who knew? It was so clogged it made my poor little furnace work too hard.

Live and learn and whip out the friggin check book. I am really pretty embarrassed about my stupidity in this matter, though obviously not so much so that I don't feel compelled to post about it in a public forum.

In a somewhat-related-though-probably-shouldn't-be matter, because HVAC Guy came early and was in and out of here in no time, and I didn't get called into work, I was able to pop out to Home Depot this afternoon to buy some supplies for my desk project. (I have this old desk I'm planning on sanding and painting and maybe decoupaging, because, really, it's impossible for me to make it look worse than it does right now.) I love going to Home Depot, walking around, throwing things into my cart, pretending like I'm Uber-Competent Painter Chick or Carpentry Chick or Plumbing Chick. Obviously (see above) I am in no way any of those persons, but going to Home Depot allows me to indulge my fantasy that I am. Or could be.



Craig H said...

Could the 48 hours of radio silence imply a lymphocytic gagne in there somewhere, and that the cold viri are staging a late-inning comeback?

malevolent andrea said...

Hmmpphhh. I'll have you know my Beckett-like lymphocytes are continuing to take no prisoners!

No, I've just been very very busy at work the last couple days. But I promise to blog later, lest you all start your weekend off in a malevolence deficit :-)