Friday, October 26, 2007

here's the thing...

Did you ever notice how you start to pick the speech patterns of people you're around all the time? One of the doctors I've worked with a long time always says "here's the thing..." as he's walking up to tell you something job-related, and I find myself frequently wanting to start out blog entries that way. He also often says, in a completely sardonic way, "People are no damn good!" when somebody screws something up or a patient is late or whatever. I find myself saying that a lot too, often to people who have no idea that it's a joke.

When my son (and his friends) were in high school, they had this way of saying "Are you SERious?" to express perfect and complete scorn and disgust. (It was all in how you pronounced the "serious".) I like to say that one too. But unfortunately, I can't do it as well as they did, 16 year-old boys being all about the scorn and disgust as they are.

And, to prove it doesn't go in all one direction, one of my friends, not so long ago, used the phrase "'n shit" in either a blog reply or an e-mail. I laughed really really hard. Because, y'know, that's a sign you've been hanging around me way too much ('n shit).


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