Saturday, October 20, 2007

break out yer teasing comb

After much discussion and a flurry of frantic e-mailing, it's been decided: I'm going to be Amy Winehouse for Halloween. The friend who invited me to this little soiree is going to be The Other Baldwin Brother, and together we're going to be "Hey! I Signed Myself Out of Rehab to Come to This Fookin' Party!"

Actually, I have never heard Ms Winehouse speak, so I have no idea if she has the type of British accent in which "fookin" is a word. I'll have to study up on this. Perhaps whilst applying my temporary tattoos.

The eyeliner's gonna take my full concentration, however.



Unknown said...

Dammit, I wonder if there's time to change direction?? My plan was to go to my party as a biker (minimal work), but...hmm. I haven't got the Amy Winehouse build, but maybe, Divine? Halloween Muses, help me out here!!

malevolent andrea said...

In teasing-comb-related news, I was looking at Bust magazine at Barnes and Noble today for funky craft ideas (because, yeah, I want to cover everything in the damn house in gold paint now), and they had a whole article on how to bouffant one's hair.

So naturally I had to buy it. Anyone who's planning on being Amy Winehouse or Divine for Halloween should run right out and do the same, I say. :-)