Monday, October 22, 2007

today's culturally insensitive moment

I was watching the beginning of the game last night with D--painfully, because watching Dice K pitch is always an adventure in anxiety for me. Some pitchers, you know pretty much immediately whether it's going to be a good game or a bad game for them. With Mr Matsuzaka, however, this can swing wildly from inning to inning. I never fully relax watching him throw, even when he appears to be cruising.

Last night at one point, getting extremely concerned about the direction the swing seemed to be going, I said aloud, "Please, God, let Dice K strike this guy out." On second thought, I amended it.

"No, wait--please, Buddha, let Dice K strike this guy out."

And he did. Thank you, Buddha.

Get with the program! You just have to appeal to the right deity and/or religious figure.


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