Sunday, October 7, 2007

awww, cute

Did you ever stop to think about the phenomenon of cute? I know your evolutionary psychologists and anthropologists and people like that say we're hard-wired to see big eyes and round heads as cute, mainly so we don't throw our own offspring in the river when they get annoying. Which I guess is useful.

This, however, does not explain why when I was perusing the Target sale paper this morning over coffee, I immediately went "Ohmygod, cute!" when I reached the Halloween costume page, with the adult in the gorilla suit holding the baby in the banana costume. I was so taken by this that I wanted to show it to someone else immediately so they could "awww" too. (Unfortunately, D's sleeping, my dad was watching the Mass on tv [and who am I to come between a man and his half-assed religious observances?], and the cat didn't care.) It's actually fairly disturbing when you think about it, not cute. What's the message, that you can eat your own infant? Shades of the worst of hamster behavior and, y'know, probably no better than chucking the baby in a body of water.

I still went "awww." There's got to be a reason for that. Other than that I have ovaries.


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