Thursday, June 16, 2011


Because whether you know it or not, you really do want them.

1.) Hiring a lawn guy off craigslist, part 2 and 3. So Tuesday, after bitching to you guys, I emailed a(n other) kid, who said he was a student at North Shore and was mowing lawns to pay for his summer classes. Not having learned much, apparently, from my Justin experience and still having it in my heart to subsidise the youth of America in their quest to get edujumacated, I emailed him with my location and the size of my lawn and asked if he would be interested in the job. Sure thing! he emails back. He does "his lawns" on Saturday mornings. How's this Saturday between 10 and 11 work for me? I write back and say that unfortunately I myself work on Saturdays, and does he have any other availability? I never receive a reply. Apparently, the lawn mowing business is brisk enough that the customer works to your schedule or they can fuck off! Good to know! Undaunted--okay, semi-daunted--I email another guy today. He has an actual business name. He does not claim he needs my money to finance his degree in anything. He answers my email immediately. (We'll call him "Chris" or "CJ" because he apparently answers to one or both of those.) He says he usually charges $30 for a lawn, but he can look at it, and if it's small, he'll charge $25. He promises to come by tomorrow afternoon between 3:30 and 4pm. We'll just see "Chris aka CJ", we'll just see.

2.) Today, for the first time in 9 days, my hair is behaving itself. It's in a ponytail and thus does not look what you might term "stunning" but it doesn't look like it was attacked by badgers either. Say a prayer to some deity or other that this trend will continue.

3.) We can all agree that it isn't raining out and that is a good thing. I am wearing a skirt and sandals today. And no hoodie. I hope your legs, feet, and head are enjoying similar freedom.



Uncle said...

Did you hear that the Canucks fan base are putting goalie Roberto Luongo up for sale on Craigslist? That may be an indication of the Craigslist talent base...for anything.

malevolent andrea said...

That's hilarious. Those wacky Canadians!

My friend "CJ" and his partner "Nick" came by at 3:28pm, which considering their ETA was 3:30-4, I take as a good sign and agreed with me that my lawn is indeed small and deserves a discount. They will start next week and will email or call the day before they are coming, once they check the sched. We'll just see CJ and Nick, we'll just see.

CJ and Nick look more likely to rob, rape, or kill me than "Justin" but at least they are prompt.