Thursday, June 30, 2011

it's 4th of july weekend, people

...and you know what that means! It means it is time for your malevolent hostess to go with tradition and tackle yet another probably ill-advised home decorating project! Paint has been bought. Did that send shivers down your spine? It should have.

I would update you with the craptacular, nauseating bullshit that has been going on at work this week, but, seriously, I don't want to dwell on it. It's giving me an ulcer as it is. (Okay, okay, I'm a health care professional; I do know stress doesn't actually give you ulcers. It's just a saying. God.) So, instead, I'll just tell you the happier updates.

"CJ" and Nick came and mowed my lawn again Monday. They didn't show up until 7:30pm. but they showed up. Nick told me they'd been working straight out since 7am. They're no Justins, all I'm sayin'.

My Bodymedia came in the mail Tuesday(!) and I now know all kinds of fascinating things, such as the fact that yesterday, on a day that I was off work, went to the gym, and did errands and a few things around the house and yard, I burned 2553 calories. This would explain why I've only managed to put on 3 pounds since March despite eating 2100+ calories a day. Two days like yesterday a week (and it was a pretty typical non-work day for me) would pretty much wipe out my surplus. It's fascinating, too, that it knows the difference between when I'm sitting up doing something quiet and when I'm lying down, doing something quiet. However, it is not infallible. It seems to think I took 3 steps at one point during my night's sleep last night and then another 6 later on, which is just weird.

My new solar lights don't work that well, sadly. However, I bought some *other* solar lights at Tarzhay which seem better. I also put more flowers out. It's looking pretty back there, even without Ganesha.

My tomato plants got drowned when we had that night of really heavy rain. Two of the plants that were in pots that apparently drain better are still growing like crazy, while the other four look sickly. All of them, however, sickly or not, have lil green tomatoes on them. Woot!

I still hate Lackey even though he drove a run in for himself yesterday.

I think Sid is getting even fatter on our watch. Oops.

That is all!


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