Thursday, June 16, 2011


My putative Bruins jersey which I may or may not have looked sexeh in yesterday apparently did its job whether it exists or not. Congrats, Bruins and Bruins fans! It's a very happy occasion. I would, however, like to speak to the rioting in Vancouver. I thought Canadians were too polite for such things. My world view has shifted just a tiny bit. Huh.

Meanwhile, in other sports news, did you see Beckett almost throw a perfect game last night? No suspense, of course, because the one cheap infield hit came in the third inning, but that was it. No more hits and not a walk. It could have been a perfect game. That would have been extraordinary on the night the Bruins won the cup. We'd have all been in our dotage saying to our (putative, haha) great grandchildren, "I remember June 15, 2011. The night the Bs won the championship after a long 39 years of drought and Beckett pitched a perfect game. It was a wonderful day. Who are you, again, kid?"

And, finally, a basketball note. It has come to my attention that some guy for the Mavs had the NBA championship trophy tattooed upon his person prior to the beginning of the season. I salute his chutzpah and positive thinking, and I think it is very cool it worked out for him, but man, was that ever potentially embarrassing. Also, very risky in a team sport where no matter how much you train and practice and work and concentrate and give it 110% every time you set foot on the court, you have no control over what those other losers on your team do. But I wasn't following this at all really. The only thing I knew, thanks to my son, was that I was supposed to root for anyone--like if Satan was fielding a team, he'd be preferable--over Miami because of LeBron.

Now, I am of mixed feelings about hating sports stars for "abandoning" a team and its fans. I wonder how many of us would stay with our employer out of loyalty, no matter how much we love our boss or our co-workers or what we do, if we were offered a lot more money or opportunity elsewhere. I don't see how it is any different for pro athletes, just because they wear a uniform. It's their job, not a religion. I never understood the Johnny Damon hate when he went to the Yankees. The Sox would never have won in 2004 without him, and we, his fans then, should have respect and gratitude and fond feelings towards him for it. If he took a job with the competition because they were offering him a better deal, well, he's got a family to feed (and big screen TVs and sports cars and watercraft and such to buy--did you see his segment of MTV Cribs [oh, shut up]? if I remember correctly, he's got an actual lake in his backyard). On the other hand, nothing I have ever heard or seen about LeBron suggests anything other than that he's a giant (see what I did there?) douchebag, so the hate towards him is probably justified. So, yeah, anyway, I was rooting for the Mavs without even knowing about the tattoo guy, and I am glad it worked out.

And in fantasy sports? Anibal Sanchez, who is my sleeper pick this year, (and I just like saying his name), is apparently the new Felix Hernandez. In that he can leave the game with a healthy lead and then cry in the dugout as his "closer" blows the save. Okay, that was just yesterday and no pattern has been built up, but I'ma keep a close eye in case a suicide watch needs to be set up. My Jhoulys has been fucked by his bullpen as well, but they manage to stop just short of complete disaster. He doesn't need a suicide watch, just Tums.

That is all. For now.


1 comment:

Uncle said...

Drop by and read my latest, including first-hand reactions from Canucks fans who did *not* riot. The city is still standing, thanks for asking.