Friday, June 10, 2011


I didn't get around to pictures last night because a.) I was so freaked out about the possible killer thunderstorms knocking a tree down onto my house, thanks to the slavering TV weather guys whipping everyone up into a frenzy and the fact that a tree did actually fall into my driveway and almost onto my garage this winter, making it less a theoretical threat than it used to be and b.)my house felt like a steamroom, especially after I had to close the bathroom and my bedroom windows when the rain was coming in from that direction, a problem that could have been alleviated by putting on the A/C, but I'm trying really hard to avoid doing that.

Besides, our new temporary kitty likes to sit on the open windows and chillax. He does NOT claw at screens or attempt to pop them out so that he might escape, unlike certain other evil little felines (RIP). He is, in fact, a very mellow, lazy, fat cat. He does not chase things. D and I were trying to get him to run after one of Evil Kitty's old balls and he looked at it, and at us, like "are you fucking kidding me?" and stayed seated. I swear, though, pictures will be forthcoming.

In other news, bending my neck now just hurts in my pit and shoulder, not radiating down the whole arm, so (I think) that's good.

And, finally, for something completely different: does anyone have any experience with this type of solar powered garden type lights or similar? Now that "Justin" has made my patio area suitable for use by humans, and I dragged the bistro table and chairs out there, and Buddha is nestled amongst the rocks, it came to my attention the other night that there's a slight tiny problem. Even with the porch light on and candles on the bistro table, it's dark as hell out there at night. I don't want any of my friends breaking a leg trying to get to the bistro table or back into the house. Especially after I've plied them with alcohol. (Blender drinks at Andrea's this summer! You're invited!) So, those lights look cool, they're cheap, and the reviews are mostly good, but I'd like to hear from someone who's actually used them that the whole solar charging thing works and they are bright enough.



Anonymous said...

Take my word for it, let a few mice or snakes loose in your house and your temp kitty will chase them. Apparently he was an especially great snake hunter in the past.

Otherwise you've got to sort of flick things around him that he just catches a glimpse of. Especially if they could be rodent tails. Like most men, he goes for the tease. It won't work forever, but it will work for awhile till he realizes no actual killing is likely forthcoming.

Also, try scratching him under his chin and around his ears. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

BTW, we were discussing putting those foot level solar powered sidewalk lights outside my building, and someone said they're often not bright enough.

That could be old information--the last couple years I've seen LED flashlights, booklights, etc. that were *way* brighter than such things used to be--but it's worth double-checking on the light output of a particular model before you buy and/or making sure they have a good return policy if they turn out to be too dim.

malevolent andrea said...

Hey, I'm only thinking of your safety, dude.

And I will never be able to get a pic of Sid to post. Do you know that as soon as you point a camera at that cat, he walks towards it?

Uncle said...

Late as usual. I think solar LEDs have improved. We put a pair on the deck when such things first came out. They were like corpse candles after half an hour and now do almost nothing. Last year I put one over the barn door and it lasts most of the night, giving enough light to find the car keys. We don't have ground level ones, though, lest drunken residents, or neighbours, or rowdy quadrupeds stumble over them.

Sid may have much in common with Spike.

malevolent andrea said...

I think I'm going to order them.