Saturday, April 9, 2011

oh, manWELL

So I am sure you've heard the big news by now. Believe me, it was big news at my house. The very first thing D said to me last night when I came home (after "hi") was, "Manny retired!" Then I checked my mail and, in an email about something else entirely, Mr Indemnity's first sentence was nevertheless about Manny. Obviously, everyone knew this would be a topic near and dear to my heart.

I cannot say I disagree with his decision. Man-well did not actually want to play baseball when he was, y'know, paying baseball. He's obviously a person who does not need to wake up every morning and go to his job in order to feel good about himself or fulfilled in life. Believe me, I can relate. If I never had to work again, I could find *plenty* of other things to keep me amused. And, please, he's got plenty o' money. What's a few more millions to him? It's probably all theoretical to him, just a bunch of numbers on a page--much like my 401k is to me!

So, yeah. Contrast this to Pedro Martinez, who I have heard is rumored to still want to pitch. Pedro, Pedro, Pedro. Can you not be happy down in the Dominican, counting your piles of money? Damn, you could swim through it, Scrooge McDuck-style. We need to get the man a hobby. Maybe he should take up golf. Or knitting. Decoupage. Something. Anything. It is not 1999 anymore, Pedro. Let us just remember you when you were absolutely unhittable.

But, back to Manny. I would like to remember him in all his dreads-wearing, fan-high-fiving, scoreboard-peeing, water-bottle-in-the-outfield glory. If you no longer wish to delight me with your ridiculous antics, Manuel Aristides, you go ahead and retire. Take Pedro golfing, would ya?


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