Thursday, April 28, 2011

for only $195

I could get eyelash extensions. That is to say, for $195 and 90 minutes of my time, I could get approximately 120 individual lashes, applied one at a time, that will last me up to two months. This is a bargain for Rue La La members, because the normal price for this service is $395. Huh. I swear to god, if only I had a shit-ton of money, I too could be pretty. It boggles the mind. (Remember what Eminem says, boys n' girls: money doesn't buy happiness, it buys crazy-ass happiness!)

In other news (there goes my favorite transition again!), I do not *do* sudden-death overtime. I could only come back downstairs when the wild cheering coming from the TV told me it was safe.

And in other, other news, perhaps my favorite thing I have seen on CNN EVAH was the elderly lady yesterday who was telling them she is *sure* Barack Obama was born in the USA, because he in the hospital nursery with the baby she'd just birthed. She remembers very clearly, 'cause there were, like, *no* black people in Hawaii in those days. Waiting for the Republican rebuttal that discusses how much anesthesia women got in childbirth back in 1961. Lulz. Maybe the best part of this was that CNN, after the clip, soberly pulled out the statistics on how many black people there were in Hawaii in 1961. Answer: the old lady was right! Half of one percent, or something like that. Ah, I love the media.


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