Tuesday, April 19, 2011

let's talk about some shiz

Hey, Adventurers. Happy Tuesday that feels like a Monday!

Are we all happy the Red Sox are on a winning streak? Till effin' Lackey pitches tonight, that is? And how about my Jed Lowrie, huh? Couldn't get that boy out all weekend. In other baseball news, if Yahoo isn't lying to me, Ubaldo's hangnail is all better and he's gonna pitch tonight. Light a candle for his cuticle for me, wouldya? Who's the patron saint of manicures? You'd think they'd have taught me something useful like that in nine years of Catholic school. God.

In completely unrelated news, I had to go for my physical today and--are you sitting down? okay--my PCP was not running late. I think that is a sign of the apocalypse. When Denise, his lovely nurse, called me only ten minutes after my official appointment time, I was nonplussed. "Is he...ON TIME?" I asked in hushed and awed tones as she ushered me to the scale. "Shhh," she hissed. "If you jinx it, I'll kill you." I have to admit, I was just a teeny bit disappointed. I was planning on reading a few more chapters of "...Henrietta Lacks" on the kindle during my anticipated lengthy wait. (That's a good book, by the way.)

One more thing. The Benevolent L and I were at the Northshore Mall last night after eating at PF Changs (where we got 15% off our bill in honor of tax day--it pays to let these people spam your email, is all I'm saying) and in our wanders, we wandered into Nordstrom. She tried on some t-shirts and a little jacket, and did not buy. I tried on a little jacket and did buy. Like so:

It was 40% off. So as I was paying for my little jacket, both the Benevolent L and I were yawning like whoa. "We should hit up Starbucks," I said. And the saleswoman, who should probably be getting paid more than she does, jumped in and totally sold us on going downstairs and having coffee at the Nordstrom cafe. Where they very very helpfully had, in big red letters, the calorie counts of every one of their drinks, right next to the prices. Their version of a cookies n cream frappachino type drink? 770 calories in a small. I think the large was about 1300-something, which I am *very* sure is more calories than some of those rich, um, upper-middle-class ladies who shop at Nordstrom eat in an entire day. (This ain't your Taco Bell demographic, yo.) I bet they don't sell very many of those. Maybe I should get one some day, just to see if it makes the cafe lady gape at me in shock. Heh.

Okay, I think that is all for now. Peace, love, and calorie bombs to all! Smooch!



crispix67 said...

Cute jacket :-) Even cuter since it was on sale!

malevolent andrea said...

Thanks! I wore it for the first time today even though it's a little (a lot) chilly, and I am pleased so far. I think it's going to be a very useful garment.