Thursday, April 7, 2011

guess what???

ET cash-in and health care reimbursement together in today's check as predicted. Woohoo! I think I'll go right home and write my check to the city, like, immediately. But first I'm going to pretend to myself that I make that kinda money every week and daydream about what I'd do with it. Other people have sexual fantasies, I have this. Don't judge.

In other news, I am so hungry, I do not know what's wrong with me. I've had 1200 calories already today and, to be honest with you, I don't think I'm finished with lunch yet. Heh. I think this possibly means my metabolism has cranked up again and that I should keep feeding it. Or I have a tapeworm. One of the two. I was over at the cafeteria buying a drink (a drink only, because I brought my lunch) and other people's lunches looked and smelled so good, I wanted to, y'know, grab stuff off their trays. So consider this fair warning: if you eat with me any time soon, keep your fork ready to stab my hand or I *will* eat off your plate.

And this time, I'm sorry, I can't resist: How about those Red Sox? Oh, you have to laugh. What else can you do? D said, "If this keeps up, I'm going to lose interest real quick this year." I countered with the (maybe untrue) fact that the Sox had a miserable April in 2004, and that this is just a lead up to us going all the way, baby. But no one believes me when I tell them that. Sigh.

And, okay, I can't resist again: Ubaldo is on the DL *with a hangnail.* Okay, okay, not exactly a hangnail, I exaggerate, but cannot we fly Angela my magic nail lady out to Colorado to fix his cuticle right up? If you could only see the job she did with my toenail crisis, you would have faith.

And finally, another sign of spring. Salem cops on Highland Ave with radar guns. You know in cold weather, they stick to their cruisers and Dunkin' Donuts, so this is more promising than crocuses. (Crocusi?)



Uncle said...

Actually it's croci, and you can have some for the heads up, since part of my commute is now on Highland Ave. No wonder I haven't had to wait at Dunkin' Donuts.

malevolent andrea said...

Croci? Really? Good to know!

For further, more specific head's up, they're by the high school, right after the overpass. Beware! :-)