Wednesday, November 3, 2010

important shoe questions

Does the logo tag on these shoes spoil them? If not, what color would you go for? Should I buy them for myself for my birthday even though they are very expensive, keeping in mind that a.) I have just spent about $1500 on vet bills but b.) they are lined in shearling so very toasty and have rubber heels so very comfy?

Oh, and in case you're looking to buy me something to celebrate my turning 48 and supplying you with all these semi-entertaining blog posts, I put a whole bunch of shit in my amazon wishlist yesterday so D could surprise me. You could surprise me too, bitches! Alcohol's good too.




Uncle said...

Usually I'd say black, but those work in brown. You could always pluck off the labels. Mind, this is the advice you get when you get it from someone spent half a day getting a hoodie that didn't have a corporate logo six inches high front and back.

malevolent andrea said...

I know, I like the brown and the tan much better than the black, even though black is the most useful shoe color.

I dunno. I probably should just buy myself a kindle, which would be cheaper and more useful, OR not buy myself anything at all because I'm poor.