Friday, November 26, 2010

to reiterate

For those of you who don't read the comments (i.e. everyone), let me just say again that not only did frying my turkey not involve any visits to the ED or calls to the fire department, it also resulted in the most delicious turkey EVAH! How could I have doubted myself and/or all those people who gave this contraption five stars on amazon? It did take 45 minutes to drain and clean the damn thing, but even so, it was *still* worth it.

Other highlights of the day included being hustled at Scrabble. The Benevolent L: "Oh, okay, I'll play, but I'm not good at games, and you've got a much bigger vocabulary than me," followed by "Oh! I won? Really?" D enjoyed Scrabble with us as well, and lemme tell you, getting him to socialize and actually have fun? That made my day, above and beyond all the other pleasures. Oh, and we also watched Winter's Bone, an excellent movie that is not really up there in "uplifting holiday entertainment" but I guess it does make you thankful that you're not growing up in the Ozarks with a father who cooks crank and then goes missing and a mother who's so mentally ill she's almost catatonic, that you don't have an uncle named "Teardrop", and that you don't need to shoot and skin squirrels for dinner. So there is that! And the young actress who plays the lead is just transcendent. Highly recommended.

Hope you all are enjoying spending today digesting and/or contributing to WalMart's profits or something, whilst I work (boo!).



crispix67 said...

I had deep fried turkey one year at a friends house- yes, it *was* amazing. Glad everyone survived and enjoyed a day of fun and togetherness. :-)

Uncle said...

Squirrel...yep, tastes like chicken and each one has about as much meat as a chicken wing, with more bones.

But I bet if you dropped a mess of squirrels in the turkey fryer, you'd have a pretty good result.