Friday, November 12, 2010


Not completely sure what would be more satisfying to my reading audience (ha!), continuing to just post pictures of attractive people (I was gonna say "fuckable", but then I remembered Marilyn, and there will be NO necrophilia in this blog, thankyouverymuch) interspersed with the occasional photo of myself in zombie makeup and/or flexing, or actually writing an entry that contains, like, sentences and paragraphs and perhaps even an idea or, god forbid, a point. I know what's easier for me, and you all know I R lazy.

But, seriously? I've got nothing to say. I mean, I've got shit to say, but you've either heard it all before or it's of no interest to anyone but me or it involves other people and so cannot be broadcast here.

I will tell you a couple things M2 told me the other day (random blog is random.) 1.) Less than 1% of the American population is Buddhist and that's what's wrong with this country, and 2.) when I gave her her massage before she took the back pictures for me, she could tell I am a lot stronger--which I found interesting because I wasn't even trying to go particularly deep with her. The other M2 news is that, having long ago taken a hot stone seminar and having the equipment for it at her house, but rarely doing it 'cause she kind of hates it, she and I and hopefully (please, please) our friend G are going to get together next month and have a hot stone extravaganza wherein she teaches us everything she knows and reviews herself and we all play around with rocks on each other. The invitation to this event in my inbox was entitled "everybody must get stoned!" Heh. I suppose if I am actually ever going to add this to my repertoire, I'll eventually have to buy the equipment and then practice with it. This means I may need volunteers. In the winter, when it's cold, and hot stones feel good (<--selling point, so don't all y'all go telling me you're "too busy" or some such nonsense). Also, I promise not to burn you. More than first degree. Oh, I kid, I kid. Okay! How about "baby animals in clothing" to round out your Friday morning?

You squeed. Admit it.

Really, I will write something about something sometime soon. Really. Until then, namaste, bitches.


1 comment:

crispix67 said...

Wish I lived closer to you, cuz those stones sound heavenly :-)

Yes, I squeed. How could I *not*?

I agree with M2 about the Buddhists. *sighs*