Monday, June 21, 2010

things I feel compelled to tell you

1.) I was up really late last night, having watched the end of the Sox game (and why did a 2-0 game take approximately three and a half hours? because it was a national broadcast, silly), and so it came to pass that D put on CNN and I got to see (and you *can't* unsee it) the Larry King show. It must have been a repeat because they mentioned "June" as if that were some time in the future. But, in any case, his guest for the whole show was Mick Jagger. Now, you may or may not remember, but a couple years ago I saw that Stones concert movie in IMAX, and the prospect of Mick's face, not to mention Keith's for god's sake, sixty feet high was a little frightening, but I lived through it. Can I say? Mick has either gotten work done since then or, perhaps, put on twenty pounds, because his face on Larry King looked twenty years younger. He looked *really* good, such that I could remember why exactly I found him incredibly sexy when I was 18. But if that is due to plastic surgery, I don't know. I mean, he's Mick fucking Jagger. That seems beneath him. Also, listening to him be interviewed for 45 minutes, it really struck me that he seems like an extremely smart guy. Not just smart-for-a-celeb, but really smart. So, I guess the moral of this story is that I've come back around again, and if the opportunity arose, I'd do him. If he wore like three condoms.

2.) D had a psych appointment this morning which meant, of course, that we also went to the ghetto Shaws market. And I saw something I have never seen before. The woman ahead of us, having shopped for half a cart full of food, and having ran it through the checkout line, and having had it rung up and bagged, then decided that the total was too much and that she wasn't buying *any* of it. So she told the cashier, thanks but no thanks, abandoned the cart there ahead of us, and walked out. Wow.

3.) I recently had an appointment with one of my patients who is D's age, but whom I have known since she was probably five or six. I see her just once a year these days. She is at least severely learning disabled, and may perhaps be technically classified as mildly retarded, but frankly, she presents as no less bright than many of the people you and I deal with every day. She also has some psychiatric issues. Like all these kids we've seen forever and whom I only see annually or so at this point, it's always nice to see her come in and hear how she's doing. Today I was extremely surprised, because she had a whole new hair color. A natural blond, she is now dark auburn. I asked her what made her decide to become a redhead. She told me that the cat she'd had most of her life had had to be put down, and that she didn't take it very well. In fact, she became quite depressed over it. So she told me she went dark with her hair "to match her mood." Does that sound like someone whose IQ is in the retarded range? I think not. There's a certain level of insight there. I dunno. Sometimes I think a lot of neuropsych testing is complete crap. (D had some the first time he was hospitalized his senior year which drew some conclusions that were fairly laughable. I really don't know how they get away with calling it a science.)

4.) Are you all getting ready to see Ubaldo kick some Red Sox butt on Wednesday? Lackey's pitching! Excuse me while I laugh hysterically.

Happy official first day of summer and/or Monday, whichever you prefer to celebrate.


Addendum: Did you SEE my Freudian slip before I fixed it? Ha!


Uncle said...

a) I once worked in retail and I thought I'd heard everything. The ghetto Shaw's episode proves me wrong.
b) Has MIT got you wired in case your conflicting priorities set off an earthquake on Wednesday?

malevolent andrea said...

You would think I would be conflicted, but NO. I want/expect/need Ubaldo to pitch a 2 hit shutout and Tampa Bay and NY to lose so it doesn't matter :-)