Tuesday, June 22, 2010

i told you current events were too depressing

See here.

If I wanted to live in the Bible Belt, I woulda moved there. Stop messin' with my blue state paradise RMV. (Yes, yes, I know, it really isn't under their control. That does not make me less disapproving.) Honestly, I think all these "cause" license plates should be disallowed. To have a political/social/religious statement advocated on something issued by the state implies governmental agreement with said statement, even if falsely. If they absolutely must have these things to generate profit, perhaps they should be limited to issues that could not possibly be controversial to anyone. I mean, like, is anyone *in favor* of children getting cancer? (Actually some of the militant anti-children haters one runs across on the internet probably are, if it keeps the little bastard from sitting next to them on an airplane. Sigh.) But I'm sure if we thought hard enough we could come up with something everyone is in favor of. Kitten orgasms? Something. Put out a license plate supporting that, bitches.

Okay, I'm done getting worked up about things today. I'm just going to look at lolcats and online shop for things I don't intend to buy until my urge to rant dissipates.


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