Saturday, June 12, 2010

smilin and stylin

I read an article yesterday, which I will not even link to, about how different breast shapes have gone in and out of vogue over the last 50+ years. And I'm not talking the shape the brassieres of the day made them into, 'cause that's too easy. No, I'm talking how nekkid boobs published in Playboy in 1955 differed from the ones published in 1968 differed from the ones published in '76 etc etc, all the way to the present day. Looking at a pictorial retrospective was...enlightening? Or weird. One of the two.

If you're a woman, it's kind of hilarious to figure out which decade yours are. Mine are kinda 70s crossed with 50s. I think.

In a similar vein, I also read a recent article with pictures of all your shirtless sword-and-sandal movie actors through the decades (because of Prince of Persia) and it is amazing how the "six pack" is such a recent invention. I mean, obviously those same set of abdominal muscles were always there, but no one cared to develop them such that they were popping out all over the place until very recently. Which may be why they really don't do anything for me. No one had them in the 70s, so I didn't imprint on them. On the other hand, we did have massive chest hair fetishization in the 70s and I've never been down with that. So never rule out the force of personal preference, I guess!

It's really interesting to me how we end up physically attracted to what we are physically attracted to, how culture plays a role and how it doesn't. And how some people have such a strong "type" and others do not. Let's, for example, take a few of my celebrity fantasy boyfriends. What do Anthony Kiedis, Neil Gaiman, and David Duchovny have in common? Physically, probably not all that much. (And my lust for Mr Gaiman is more cerebral than physical anyway, though he's hot for a writer--which is, y'know, damning with faint praise as they say.) But why do I think Anthony and David are sexy? It's something about the look in the eye. That can't go in and out of fashion. It can't even be quantified. (Anthony, sweetie! If you're into 70s boobs, you know who to call! Ha!)

We'll call my type "I can see your inner freak and I like him." That works, huh?


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