Wednesday, September 30, 2009

today's misc

1.) Listen. I remember when I was, y'know, 20 and sometimes had to ransack the house for loose change before I left just to have enough money to get where I was going. Really, I empathize. I do. But when you get on a bus in the morning, a bus chock full o' people going to work and school and appointments and so forth, and you are trying to add three dollars to your Charlie card in *dimes*, and the bus driver will not resume driving until you have finished paying, I might just give you the evil eye. Just sayin'.

2.) Oh, Andrea, where were you going in such a damn hurry on your day off? Glad you asked. I was going to visit M2 and give her a massage. It has been so long since I saw M2 in person that she had not yet seen my Carla Bruni hair. Can you imagine? Anyway, I got a thumbs up on the hair and a thumbs up on the massage (even though, to my shame, we gabbed through the whole thing--unavoidable, I guess, since we did not have the time to go out to lunch afterwards, M2 having another engagement).

3.) But we did have time to take the dog out for a quick walk afterwards to rap up our conversation and we ended up at my second favorite Whole Foods in the world, which may have leapfrogged back into first place when I realized, omg, they sell alcohol! So not only did I get olives and fruit salad and macaroons, I got talked into a new red wine by the Wine Guy. (I asked him about the Five Rivers I'm still looking for--though I was blanking on the name--but he had nothing from Paso Robles at all. But he assured me I'll like this. We'll see, Whole Foods Wine Guy, we'll see.)

4.) I also bought wasabi peas. I was trying to eat some on the T home, because I was hungry (see above: no lunch!) and it occurred to me that they are the perfect diet food, if you are looking for such a thing. I could only eat a few at time despite being starving because they were so freaking hot. Sinus-clearing-out, nose-running hot. Very yummy, but no big handfuls, lemme tell you. Then I was reading the label to see the nutritional values: yes, not many calories! But. "Product of China." Are you serious? I gotta check my snack foods for that, too? Really?



5.) Oh, yeah, M2 said she and Mr M2 used 1-800-gotjunk prior to one of their moves and it was wonderful and well, well worth the expense. I'm gonna do it. Go, Andrea!


tripleindemnity said...

...rap up our conversation...

I suspect that was not intentional (and if it was, you've got to get your vernacular into the 21st C.) but, nevertheless, I still liked it. ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Wrap! wrap! wrap! hahahaha

Uncle said...

What you really need to find out at this Whole Foods (which is obviously not the shared one)is whether they have an analog to Trader Joe's infamous "two buck Chuck." I don't either chain carries Paso Robles wines even in Paso Robles ;)

Uncle said...

Oh and empathy should also go to the young collegiate-type person at State Street who went 0 for 3 trying to use his brand new Charlie Card, tying up three lanes in the process. (Obviously a Hahvahd man...)

malevolent andrea said...

I'm pretty sure Dime Boy and Charlie Card Dropout will both go on to graduate and become the kind of productive adult members of society that take the Green Line to Fenway and DON'T MOVE INTO THE TRAIN.

And the Whole Foods had wine in a box. I think it was organic :-)