Saturday, September 19, 2009

and now for something completely different

I was lying in bed this morning, trying to motivate myself to get up and go to work, and I started thinking about why I am so blase about the Red Sox this year. They're obviously going to make the playoffs. And I am "meh." What's that all about?

And it came to me. The reason I am less than excited about them is that they've had so many guys coming and going. How many shortstops have we had? What's the starting rotation again? Who's that in the bullpen? Utility infielders, what what? There's been no cohesion, and thus no team identity. I just can't bring myself to care about Alex Gonzalez or Victor Martinez or What's-His-Face who's angling for Papelbon's job, no matter how good they are or how well they play. They just got here. We haven't had time to bond, man.

I root for the Sox because they're my team, and I root for the individual players that I like, like my Official Favorite Canadian, Mr Jason Bay, but when they get knocked off early in the playoffs this year, I'm not going to be crushed. And I'm not saying all these moves and trades and so forth don't give you a better baseball team, but a better baseball team and a baseball team your fans are really, really excited about aren't necessarily the same thing.



Craig H said...

you know the real reason is that wake hasn't been pitching, right?

malevolent andrea said...


A team whose leading pitcher is an over-40 knuckleballer, that's a team you can root for. That's a team with an identity.

Plus, honestly? All lurrrvvve for Mr Jason Bay aside, I'm pretty sure I miss Man-well. When there *absolutely no chance AT ALL* that your left fielder is gonna make a catch, high-five a fan, and *then* throw the ball back in, the game has lost something :-)