Thursday, September 10, 2009

oh! and in the world of junk mail

So, when my dad gets mail that he doesn't know what it is, he leaves it out so I can explain it to him. Today he had a junk mail flyer. With smiling, perky old people on it. I thought, at first quick glance, it was someone trying to sell him a hearing aid. He gets one of those a week usually.

But, no. It was for a penis pump. For, y'know, "ED." I put it in the recycling.

Then, of course, he asked me about it.

"They want to fix your penis."

"No kidding!?! Really?"

I take it out of the recycling. "See?" I point out the perky old people on the cover of the brochure. "See them smiling at each other? They're happy because this product fixed his penis."

"Huh. How about that. Where'd they get my name from?"

"Oh, dad. You're just on the Old People mailing list."


I'm not sure this conversation is really in my job description as it were, but okay. I do, however, still refuse to explain the "Delores" punchline on Seinfeld to him, no matter how many times he asks.


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