Friday, September 25, 2009

it's official

The anesthesia is *still* kicking my ass.

Yesterday I went to work for four hours, feeling relatively chipper. After 12 hours sleep one night and nine the next, I figured I'd slept all the drugs out of my system. But damn if after the first three hours I wasn't starting to feel like I got hit by a truck again. And this was after having the easy workday that our lil MILF had provided for me. (I know for some/most/all of you, sitting at your computer all day *is* work, but for me, I never feel like it counts if I haven't had to actually put my hands on some screaming babies or surly teenagers.)

I went home and made dinner and after eating and sitting awhile, I started to get my second wind. So I cleaned up the kitchen and did some laundry and baked brownies. Went to bed feeling okay, slept six or seven hours, and woke up feeling like, "Alrighty! *Now* I've slept off all the drugs." Four or five hours later? Ready for another nap, thanks!

M1 assures me this is how she has always felt after general anesthesia (and she's had a bunch of surgeries) to the point where she bargains for a spinal now any time she can get one. Maybe us short bosomy Polish ladies are especially slow to metabolize narcotics? I dunno.

Someone do the research and get back to me. I'm snoozing.



Uncle said...

One of my smaht choices was having my shoulder done on a Friday. By Monday I was still in no state to go to the office, and an un-housebroken hematoma spared me the necessity. If you don't have to be anywhere, the sleep is good and the hallucinations kewl.

malevolent andrea said...

My nap this afternoon was interrupted by my cell ringing :-( My phone was in my purse which was on the desk which was far enough away that I would have had to get out of my bed to get it, but close enough that it was impossible to ignore it. I tried to incorporate it into my vivid post-anesthesia dream but it didn't work.

Uncle said...

Awww! And phones aren't as cute as cats who don't understand interrupted mealtimes.

malevolent andrea said...

I'm lucky. Between D keeping very odd hours these days and my dad being one of those old people who gets up at 5 am, there's almost always someone *awake* in this house that she can bother for food.