Friday, September 4, 2009

and in another shocking travesty

Apparently President Obama is going to address the nation's schoolchildren with a back-to-school speech, advising them to stay in school and work hard. Obviously this is some kind of left-wink pinko socialist plot to gain control of the minds of America's youth. If I had any school-aged children, I'd make them stay home that day.

(No, really, I'm not making this shit up. This is what conservative talk radio is saying and now parents are boycotting. You really can't go wrong in assuming the stupidity and personality disorders of the American public. And it kills me, but most of them probably have much nicer houses than mine. With hoods that vent to the outside and everything. Gah. Which, of course, goes to prove Mr Obama is mistaken; working hard and staying in school generally gets you shit. That doesn't however mean you shouldn't listen to your president's address.)



Anonymous said...

Conservatives are always talking about respect for the Office of the Presidency and respecting the authority of the executive, my country right or wrong, etc.

But as soon as they get a black Muslim Kenyan socialist in the office, suddenly they're plastering hippie "Question Authority" bumper stickers all over their pickups.

Some have insist on seeing the text of the speech first. Just WTF do they think Obama's going to say that will pollute the precious minds of their impressionably dimwitted children? He was for the public option before he was against it? Now that'll lose him some authority...

Uncle said...

As I've said to someone else, and as Mr I comments, there are limits to respect. Now if Mr Obama and his kind had just stayed on the plantation where they belong, we'uns would have none of this fuss.

And lord no, we don't want the children to think they should stay in skool and get an edjamacation. We don't want them to think at all; why that's just uppity!

Is that sound the rest of the world laughing at us, or is it a sigh?

Uncle Snark

crispix67 said...

I think it's a sigh followed by rolling on the floor laughing their asses off.

Good Lord, can we ALL just take a damn breath (me included)- and realize that the bill isnt EVEN bill yet, it is a resolution, hasnt been finalized, and that Congress and the President are just trying to work out the details. Good fucking grief. And I just heard that at one town hall meeting someone bit someone elses finger off.

And people wonder why I want to just be around dogs all the time...:(

crispix67 said...

Oh, and there's a poll on Facebook asking if Obama should give his speech without parental consent.

And, yes, I mistakenly told someone my opinion.Yeah, I needed to hear more bullcrap about how Obama "has an agenda" with this speech.