Saturday, September 12, 2009

hey, kids

O hai. How's everyone?

I had a huge panic attack last night, the heights of which have not been seen since last November's "mystery rash" extravaganza, and then, after that, I had the most amazingly vivid dream in which I was not only pregnant but ready to deliver. This morning I got to work to find that not only had they shampooed the carpets in the reception area, which I had been expecting, but also all the offices, which I was not. Including mine. All my equipment was unplugged, there was an oxygen tank *on top of my desk*, the stretcher/bed was in the room backwards, I had someone else's computer chair, and a giant fan was blowing frigid air and, y'know, "drying the carpet." After twenty minutes rearranging things back to how and where they were supposed to be, my first patient (an extremely sweet 10 y.o. whom I've known since he was little) came in eating a PopTart and thus ended my clean carpet. Later I had a lovely chat with the Benevolent L, who talked me in off the ledge somewhat, and though I did not do what I told her I was gonna do to forestall another panic attack tonight (I'ma do it tomorrow, I promise), she always makes me feel better. Then I came home and took a three hour nap, watched some of the second season of Clatterford, ate chips for dinner, and now am drinking wine (shut up, it's medicinal) and deciding if I care about this Red Sox game enough to stay up and watch any of it. It's been a tough week, chickens.

But in the spirit of cheering up myself and anyone else who might need a chuckle, here's a priceless quote I read today from some guy who's apparently a famous (French, as will be apparent) chef, but whom I was not aware of:

"Desserts are like mistresses. They are bad for you. So if you are having one, you might as well have two."

Argue with that. I dare you!


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