Sunday, July 12, 2009

why the American economy sux

I went to Tarzhay today. Mostly I went because I needed switchplates and outlet plates for the two rooms I painted last week. They were made in China. I also bought my son a beard/eyebrow trimmer. Made in China. New earbuds because the Nike sports ones I bought, oh, three months ago broke already. New earbuds: made in China. (Old earbuds: I'm just guessing, but made in China.) Five pack of dishtowels, made in China. Dropcloths--I dunno. The packaging does not appear to tell me where they were made, but the company is in Indiana. Do we think that there's still a big ol' plastics factory in Indiana manufacturing dropcloths? Couldn't tell ya. And finally, because I have been influenced by those women I work with into starting to watch the orgy of sex, violence, cheesetastic romance, and bad fake Louisiana accents that is season 1 of "True Blood" on DVD, the first Sookie Stackhouse book. Written by an American and printed in the USA. So, um, yay, me?

It's the kind of thing that makes sticking to Andreanomics impossible, I'll tell you what.

I did, however, indulge in a pedicure Friday night to reward myself after unpleasant medical procedures and support the local economy. And I went to the bakery down the street today *and* I just ordered pizza. So I'm not totally off the wagon.



Craig H said...

Worth mentioning that all the stuff that's breaking is from China, too, so it's not like there isn't opportunity for folks with a better mousetrap. Even the infomercials for the Marine Mechanical Institute of Orlando, Florida make mention of the fact that though they can build the boats anywhere, they've got to be fixed right here, so there's a future for Americans aspiring to a sunny career in outboard maintenance...

Anonymous said...

If American workers would only work for what Chinese workers make, our entire unemployment problem would be solved.

I think you should start a movement. I bet there's lots of big multinational corporations that would back you handsomely for such an endeavor.

Oh, and Rush says we need to ban unions, cause unions cause their employees to make too much money and take too much time off and get things like health care, thus also cutting into corporate profits. I'm sure there are many big corporations that will help you fight creeping unionism too. This could be a wicked easy way to make tons of cash.