Wednesday, July 8, 2009

checking in

1.) Not having the best of all possible weeks, health-wise and stress-wise, which is my excuse for not taking and posting those pics I am sure you are all waiting breathlessly--breathlessly, I tell you!--for. I'll get around to it.

2.) Of course, you have to know that now that I'm back to the house renos, I'm also back to looking at Rate My Space and the HGTV message boards, which is an exercise in masochism. And also, self-control. Here's a real question, paraphrased: "Do you allow sweaty workout clothes in your hamper? The stench from my husband's almost knocks me out." Do you know how much restraint it takes for me not to answer, "Why, no, no, I do not! I expect my dirty laundry to smell of nothing but roses at all times!" But no one likes a wiseass.

3.) Omar from The Wire is in two new movies coming out this fall. If I ever went to the movies, I would probably go see them, 'cause that man is an actor, I'll tell you what. Always nice to see someone from that cast doing well. (Has anyone given Bodie a job yet? If not, someone get on it. Love me some Bodie. I'll start crying if I think too hard about his "death.")

4.) Related. As a writer (ha!), there is nothing as awesome to me as someone somewhere being so taken by one of your fictional characters that their "death" actually affects them.

5.) I would tell you about the vivid dream I had two nights ago, but honestly, I don't want to turn out to be One of Those People. Well, okay. It involved my uncle and aunt calling after midnight to see if my dad spoke French, which they were convinced he did, while meanwhile I was desperate to get them off the phone because my new roof was leaking. Because it was made of those plastic loops they used to make lawn chairs out of, and the rain could come right in.


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