Monday, July 6, 2009

pic of the week

No, it's not of my dining room. Have some patience. God.

No, actually this is much, much better.

See? That's a close up picture of Rihanna stolen from one of my favorite websites, gofugyourself, wherein they are poking some gentle, horrified fun at her for going to a fourth of July party in public wearing sequined pasties under a blazer, very festive, but not actually a wise fashion choice. But I am forced to repost it because, seriously? Are those not the prettiest boobs you have ever seen? When I am all depressed and full of bodily hatred and pining away for the days I was twenty and had beautiful breasts that were where they're supposed to be, even sans bra? That's kinda what they looked like. Except not quite as good, and of course pasty white, so Ms Rihanna wins, no contest. Holy crap. Those are pretty.

And, why yes, I *am* writing another boob post at work. I'm easing back into the work week. God.



Craig H said...

Oh, Rihanna's little girl perkies are nicely proportioned, no question, but, seriously? A guy doesn't even have to see you naked to understand the world of difference between having to drop the neckline to the navel in order to get attention, and, well, I never saw you when you were 20, naked or no, but I'm just sayin'. The pastie stars are a nice touch, though. Think the adhesive is flavored? (I'm thinkin' yes).

malevolent andrea said...

I *know*, kids these days! (And get offa my lawn, damn it.)

I had this nice little reminiscence this afternoon after I posted that. Either the summer I was 20 and S was turning 23, or the following summer when I was 21 and he was turning 24 (I know it was one of those years from the apartment this took place in), I surprised him on his birthday. He came home to find me waiting nekkid from the waist up, wearing only peach (fake) silk tap pants, high heels, and a couple long strings of (fake) pearls. [Oh, the 80s.]

I ask you, did any of you ever get anything as awesome for a gift when you were turning 23/24, huh? hahaha I mean, just picture that with Rihanna tits. :-)

Uncle said...

That is not a nice thing to say to an old man with a tap pants fetish ;)

I'll let the EMTs know who's responsible if anything untoward happens.

Did ever get such a gift? well, once or twice, but that was the *60s!*

malevolent andrea said...

I thought I was gonna have to explain tap pants! They seem to have gone out of lingerie fashion, as it were.

So, what did nubile young women wear to birthday-seduce their beloveds in the 60s? Did it involve, perchance, tie-dye? :-) Oh, I kid, I kid.

Uncle said...

They wore tap pants, obviously! Or nothing.

Dammit, everything else has had a revival: why not them?

crispix67 said...

The star pasties are a nice touch, and Im sure she was very cool(as in comfortable) in her open to there blazer.

I dont think my boobs ever looked like that LOL Ive always been kinda big. I do wish theyd stayed where they belong. Damn gravity :(