Sunday, July 26, 2009

oh, finally there's (crappy) pictures

First of all, D said to me yesterday, "How're your plants doing?" (They're on the back top deck and we really don't go out there much for anything.) I was like, "I dunno. I didn't check them after all that rain Friday." Said rain having beat the hell out of some my flowers in front. "They're probably all dead!"

Well, not dead. Who said I couldn't grow herbs?

And here are some pictures of the color I painted my dining room and living room, but sadly, at least on my computer, this looks nothing like it actually looks for reals. This, however, is the picture I got for my birthday last year, which I don't think I ever showed you all. It's called "Lotus Pond" but I forget the name of the photographer, because I suck.

And here's a mirror I got on clearance at Pier 1 last year that I was going to originally use elsewhere. But after painting, I decided this wall needed *something* on it. Unfortunately now I kinda think the mirror just calls attention to the thermostat. It does, however, reflect the light from the window that faces it.

This view of the dining room, in the shadows, shows the real color the best, I think. It's really a creamy gold, not a beige.

And for old times' sake, here's a picture from 2004 that was on that memory card that turned up when D was doing all that shredding for me. I used to have this posted Elsewhere, and I think it's one of the first pictures of me that some of you all saw before you knew me in Real Life. Benevolent L took this set of pictures in Vermont and I always loved them.



Uncle said...

Re herbs: outside is helpful. My whole back yard looks like the set of "Guadalcanal Diary."

Re colours and decor: very nice. Only thing is at my age I can't keep up with the names they give the colours.

Re picture: Looking at the locale, I assume you took your Lyme disease precautions?

malevolent andrea said...

That set of pictures was taken on the grounds of Hilldene (Hilldean? something like that anyway) which IIRC was Robert Todd Lincoln's house in Vermont. And since it had rained so much the week before we were there, there was a part of the lovely woodland path where, having walked through some sludgy mud, it became obvious that you had to walk through even more sludgy mud or back through the same sludgy mud. There was no avoiding it and no warning before you started. Basically, we ended up ankle deep in muck. I think the mosquitos probably smothered.

But, anyway, having perservered, we were rewarded by eventually coming out to an adjoining field where farmers had like baby alpacas and stuff. Totally worth it!

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, and about the were right about the basil being super-prolific. I planted two different kinds, and one of them looks and smells what to me is typically basil-like.

I was picking some this morning to take to work for one of my friends, and I noticed that with that rain, something in the other pot had totally gone nutz. I was smelling it and I couldn't tell if it was basil or mint (and the leaves are huge compared to the other basil) so I picked it a bunch anyway, put it in a separate baggie, and brought it in too. Well, my friend (and one of our patients who was there when I was handing it over) was like, oh, no, that's definitely basil too.

So, to cut to the chase, if that's all basil that went nutz, I've got a metric crapload of basil!

Uncle said...

There is no such thing as being too rich or having too much basil. Zucchini, maybe, but not basil.