Saturday, July 11, 2009

chahm school

So, in order to get my cervix yanked on the other day, I had to cancel a couple appointments at work. Cancel them on short notice (i.e. the same day) because the gynecologist's office had moved my appointment up after my PCP flipped out and told me, no, you cannot wait till July 22 to be seen.

Now I don't ever say in here exactly what it is that I do for a living, besides massage, because my main career is so weirdly esoteric that a.) no one ever knows what it is [most people are convinced I'm a nurse even after being told multiple times that, no, I'm not] and b.) even though I am sure that there is enough info in this blog to enable a persistent enough stalker, I like to maintain plausible deniability about who I am. But let me say this. When people come to see me, they have undergone some test prep, if they've been following directions. Therefore, I try very hard never to cancel appointments the same day. Inconveniencing people is one thing; inconveniencing people who've done x, y and z and are cranky about it is another. So I accrue my good karma points by always going to work when I'm supposed to be there if I possibly can.

Getting the cervix-yanking took precedence though, and being unsure exactly what they were going to do at the GYN or how long it might take, I cancelled Thursday afternoon. I told our office manager that I would stay late today, Saturday, if the 2:30 appointment I was cancelling Thursday needed to get in ASAP, or if they complained. Well, yes, they were on my schedule today. And because I have had some people over the last twenty odd years who were absolute douchebags over having their tests rescheduled, I figured my chances were 50-50 that these people, who I did not know, would show up at my office with attitude. And I was prepared that, if they did, I was going to smile faux-sweetly and apologize for cancelling them so *I could have a biopsy*.

Surprise, surprise, they were totally sans attitude. The mom, however, made some reference to having originally been scheduled for the other day and, for whatever reason, probably because I was geared up to say it, it popped out of my mouth that, yeah, I had been having a biopsy, and I apologized (non-sarcastically) for the last minute cancel.

Well, testing went smoothly, much more smoothly than anyone could reasonably expect with a developmentally delayed two year old. At the end, we were congratulating each other over a collaborative job well done, and the mom was thanking me for my help, and so forth and so on, and she then said, "I hope everything goes well with your biopsy." Okay. This is a woman I had never met before in my life, whose small child has a possibly serious medical condition of her own which the parents are understandably worried about, who nonetheless not only thought to say that, but did say it. I just about melted. And I guarantee you: for as long as those parents and that child keep coming to our clinic, I will henceforth do anything they need or want, above and beyond. There will be no favor that will be too much for them to ask me. They've just accrued enough karma points to last till her 21st birthday and beyond.

My point being? Just another reason I don't understand why people sign up so willingly for douchebag school. I know the saying is that nice guys finish last, but really, being decent and kind does get you somewhere in this world. Occasionally.


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