Saturday, October 18, 2008

more signs of the unexplained good mood

or possibly the apocalypse.

While I was in with a patient this morning, one of the hospitalists left a note on my counter in the back room, where he thought I would be sure to see it, basically asking me to call him back because he wanted a favor. Instead of my normal reaction, which, especially if I were cranky, would be @!!#%$!@@*@!!!! what the hell do these people want from me now?, I just felt a vague sense of amusement that my on-call doctor, who apparently suggested he take this course of action, hadn't called me himself. Apparently he was afraid I'd yell at him. (Who, me?)

But because I was running about ten minutes behind and had a baby waiting for me, I didn't call the hospitalist right back, just left his note exactly where he put it. Well, while I was in with the baby, he apparently came down looking for me again, saw my door was still closed, and moved the note onto my door, so there was no way I could miss it. On seeing this, I did *not* think, What the fuck is wrong with you? I will call you back when I get a chance. Chillax, dude. I just called him back and cheerfully volunteered to do what he wanted.

What do you think is wrong with me? Does it sound like a brain tumor? Do you think someone has been slipping something into my Snapple? I need answers!



crispix67 said...

Well, after speaking with my parents may very well be a sign of the Apocalypse.


The gold carpet from the 70's is gone. Those matching extremely heavy gold drapes are no longer.The shears and flowery heavy drapes on the floor to ceiling windows in the corner are being replaced with vertical blinds.VERTICAL BLINDS!! The bright yellow now a calming blue. And thats just the livingroom!!

I really think the end is

Uncle said...

Let's have no talk of the Apocalypse in the 4th inning puhleeze!

I have moments like that now and then, which I attribute to the mellowing effects of age :P

malevolent andrea said...

If your parents start talking about this Rate My Space website they've been looking at, I suggest you come up with a reason you need to get off the phone *immediately* :-) :-)

And there was no Apocalypse in any of the innings! I will say, however, that my good mood/brain damage is apparently endowing me with precognitive abilities. When they started talking about Varitek being 0 for 14 or 16 or whatever it was, I thought, "Yeah, but he's gonna hit a homerun right now." I am totally stone-cold serious. I knew that was gonna happen before it did.

Maybe it's not a brain tumor or drugs in my Snapple, maybe the aliens implanted something. One of you all want to volunteer to check me all over for new scars? :-)