Tuesday, May 24, 2011

step on a crack, break your mother's back

Would you like to hear the latest excuse reason my yard isn't finished? Justin has had to take his mother to a couple of doctor's appointments. You have to admit, as excuses go, this one is pretty much unassailable. Despite my fairly strong suspicion that Justin is, in fact, a lying liar, I really have no rejoinder. I mean, what does one say? "How dare you put your mother's biopsy/hysterectomy/colonoscopy/tummy tuck ahead of my mulch, Justin"? Because of the continued delay, however, Justin has informed me that he will haul the yard waste away for free, waiving the $25 charge. Luckily for me, since Justin and I now communicate entirely by text message, I have this in writing. Well, sorta writing. Missing vowels n' such. But, yeah, I have proof, is what I'm saying.

Meanwhile, my superior immune system has also grievously failed me. I have a chest cold. Since--and this is only a minor exaggeration, if it is an exaggeration at all--every single patient who came into my office last week was coughing, this is not too terribly surprising. One of the little bastards apparently spewed enough virii in my direction to overwhelm my defenses. The upshot of this is that I was feeling just crappy enough today that I could not force myself to take advantage of the stellar weather and go for a nice long walk. Made it only as far as the CVS to pick up a prescription. On the plus side, I was wearing my new shorts that I bought 3(?) weeks ago for the first time whilst doing that, so my knees did get their inaugural airing. But, seriously, after not being sick the entire winter, the suckage of being an aching phlegm factory on the first really hot day of the year must be remarked on.

Also? I got a catalog in the mail today that has an even nicer Buddha garden statue than the one I just ordered. More expensive, though, so I guess it's good I bought the first one.

Okay, that's my Tuesday. Peace!


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