Thursday, May 5, 2011

in which there is a societal conspiracy

I use For those of you blissfully unaware, fitday is a website where one can track the foods they eat, the calories they burn, the exercise they do, their weight, and all kinds of related stuff. And then you can get all kinds of little graphs and pie charts and shit like that which lulls you into thinking this is all very scientific and you Have A Plan. Or something like that. Mainly it's awesome for people like me who have a bit of the ol' OCD and love keeping records.

I dunno if I have mentioned it to all y'all, ha!, but I'm bulking in an attempt to put a wee bit of weight back on in the form of muscle and minimal fat. Theoretically. I've been slowly increasing my calories till now I've been at an average of 2200(!) a day for the past three weeks. I have perhaps gained a whole half a pound. (It is to laugh. No one told me *gaining* weight on purpose would be this difficult. The human metabolism is a weird and wonderful thing, y'all.) After weighing 113 on my scale this week for the third week in a row, I decided to update my stats on fitday, since I hadn't logged weight since January. And in the process of doing that, I saw my old goals from last year. I had wanted to be 120 by 6/30/10.

Fun! Well, since I'm now attempting to go in the other direction, I figured I would put in a new goal--118 by 8/15/11. When I did this, fitday gave me a big red warning message that my goal weight is higher than my starting weight. Thanks, fitday, I do know that, but thanks for alerting me to a possible typo. I pressed save again. Same big warning message. It wouldn't accept it! In the world of fitday (and by implication, America as a whole), there is apparently no situation in which one would WANT to gain weight. Fuckers. So, needless to say, I cannot have a pretty graph congratulating me on successfully packing on the pounds. If I ever do pack on the pounds. 2200 calories! More than my body weight in grams of protein! Sigh.


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