Thursday, May 12, 2011

bits n' pieces updates

1.) I learned the other day that the female half of Inappropriate PDA Weightlifting Couple is called Courtney. Remember how I said she could be in her early 20s or her mid 30s? Well, now we know she's probably somewhere between 23 and 26, because there were a whole plethora of Courtneys born circa 1985-1988. It's the "Lisa" of my son's generation. So there *is* a significant age difference between her and Mr Fist-bump. Just another piece in the puzzle, bitches.

2.) Guess what came in the mail yesterday? A check for $54.28 from the feds. Go to jury duty Monday, get paid Wednesday! I am so sorry I was badmouthing them, yo.

3.) More frightening evidence that I am mentally falling apart. Right before I was going to leave for work this morning, I decided to file away my bank statement that had been sitting on my kitchen table for three days. I also had a bunch of paid bills on the desk in the former catbox office that I had thrown there without filing, so I figured whilst I was filing... And in filing those bills, I realized I did not have a stub for my water bill, which I can almost clearly remember getting, opening, and paying immediately. So then I looked at my bank statement and no check to the Water and Sewer Commission. I call them to see if I owe them money and the nice lady says my last payment received was for February, the next bills were sent out in April and are due in May. She gives me the amount I owe and assures me that as long as I write my account# on the check, I will be credited even without the payment coupon. So I panickedly write a check, address an envelope and go mail it at the post office before I go into work.

There are no unpaid bills languishing in my unpaid bill file. There is no evidence that I paid that bill--no cashed check, no bill stub. WTF did I do with it? I swear to fucking god, I can almost visualize myself opening it and thinking, oh, good, it's less than last quarter. Did I then just throw it in the recycling by mistake or something? How could I do that? It really scares me. Or, alternately, is it possible I didn't get the bill and I am hallucinating opening it up? I don't like my brain not working, all y'all.

I think that's all my present updates. But AS YOU CAN SEE, we cannot rely on my memory.


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