Wednesday, February 16, 2011

snacks and baseball

First, I would like to make a food recommendation to you. Go to your local neighborhood Trader Joe's (or, if you are like me and they closed your local neighborhood Trader Joe's [bastards!], go to a less convenient one--trust me, it'll be worth your time and effort) and take yourself to the aisle in which they sell the nuts and dried fruit and trail mix thingies. There you will find a product called Wasabi Wow. This is a mixture of dried fruit, nuts, and wasabi peas, and it is, I'm not lying to you, the perfect combination of sweet, salty, and spicy/hot. Your three most popular snack category flavors rolled into one perfect munchible food. Is genius! Especially, ladies, if you have PMS. But good any time of the month. No worries. The only worry, actually, is that it is so munchible, I highly recommend portioning out a serving or two into a bowl and putting the rest away. Eating from the bag directly could possibly be dangerous.

And now I will segue smoothly into my next topic by saying you'll want to keep this in mind because before you know it, you may be on your couch watching fuckin' Papelbon blow a save and you'll want something yummy to snack on while he's doing it. (The compatibility of wasabi wow with beer has not yet been tested, at least not by me, but feel free to report any of your own experiments.) Yes, boys and girls, the time is almost upon us for me to start yammering about baseball, both real and fantasy (Ubaldo 2011!) This was underscored by the arrival in my mail yesterday of my Sox Pack, half of which belongs to Mr Indemnity. Look for us in the nosebleed seats of right field on selected occasions! I'll be the one *not* wearing my son's jersey, since apparently that's an evil, bad luck garment.


P.S. Both google chrome *and* blogger spell check do not recognize wasabi as a word. Again, I ask you: isn't that racist?!? Ha!


Uncle said...

Pitchers and catchers already reported. Where *have* you been?

malevolent andrea said...

They're not doing anything interesting that involves the need for snack food yet, though.