Wednesday, February 23, 2011

non-bargains and follow up odds n ends

I finally got to the optical store today amongst the very many many productive things I got accomplished, and ordered my new glasses before it was too late to claim them on last year's flexible spending. And though I was aiming to spend $210, I ended up spending three hundred. The guy suckered me into the gradient lens, which I suppose is okay considering I had been mulling over just getting prescription sunglasses. I am however very afraid I am going to end up looking like a dorky old lady. Stop laughing. The frames are very cute, though--they look green from some angles and blue from others. Kinda funky.

My bathing suit I ordered Sunday arrived and it fits. I was sorta surprised that the tankini top isn't tight to the body. It flares out from where it is tight under the chest, and I am somewhat concerned it may annoyingly ride up in the water. But it's cute. Of course the bottoms make my saddlebags look like whoa! but we of the bulgy Polish catcher's thigh persuasion just have to work with what we have got. Maybe by June and with a tan, that situation will be better.

In other follow up news, I had to go to the GYN today and instead of the scary Russian nurse/assistant, my doctor was working with this nice middle-aged Latino woman. And thus with my not being afraid I was going to the gulag, my blood pressure was a lovely 100/60!

And finally, if I can get it to work, I'ma take a picture of what came in the mail today and put it up here. Fingers crossed. Ah, here we go. Except for the flash obscuring the top of my uncle B's head, not bad. That's my dad (far left) with three of his brothers at the diner-type restaurant they owned, circa late 40s, early 50s. My cousin's wife sent me this. Cool, huh?


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