Thursday, February 24, 2011

now other people's birthdays make me depressed

Today is Receptionist Without Colorful Nickname's birthday, which we of course celebrated with cake, because there is nothing that cannot be tied into the consumption of food in this office. Well, in amongst the festivities, I asked RWCN just exactly how old she turned today. She is 31. This led to some discussion about how she is still the baby in the office, and how us old folk can't keep track of how old we are anymore unless we subtract our year of birth from the current year. "It's easy for me," RWCN said, "because it's an even year--1980."

Holy shit, says I. That's the year people who are turning 31 were born in? I graduated high school in 1980. "God," I said, "I could be your mother."

I could theoretically be the mother of someone with two children in elementary school and a stepchild in high school. Even cake with strawberries on it doesn't make that easy to swallow. In another 31 years, I'll probably be dead.

I'm closer to death than to high school. And yet still I have the remnants of a zit on my chin that popped out when I got my period two weeks ago. I know life isn't fair and all, but that's just hitting below the belt.

Have a nice day, bitches.



Uncle said...

Hell, in 1980 I was a manager with a payroll of 12.

Know what's unfair? Age spots and zits at the same time.

crispix67 said...

I was in 7th grade. And I get more zits now in my 40's than I did my entire adolescence (thank goodness for spell check- I got confused about how to spell that!)

Back to the land of unicorns and orgasmic kittens :-)

malevolent andrea said...

But I thought in the land of unicorns and kitten orgasms, nobody ever got a blemish! ;-)

crispix67 said...

Well, sometimes the dark energy enters and causes pimples.

Or I eat too much chocolate.

Or its hormones. :-)