Monday, January 31, 2011

update, as there is more

I totally forgot to mention this earlier, but I found yesterday unarguable proof of how ghetto (or, okay, ghetto-adjacent) my neighborhood is. Not a mile from my house, I saw something that I have never in my 48 years of life seen before. A tagged snowbank. Actually, two, on opposite corners. As I said to everyone I've already mentioned this to, least destructive vandals EVAH, yo.

My boss, who really appreciated the mental picture this conjured in his head, said I should have taken a picture. He's right. I'd suggest I go take one tomorrow, but, uh, it's gonna be covered up by fresh snow. I don't know if you've heard. Ahem.

In case you're interested and haven't heard the numbers yet, we've had 60 inches of snow officially so far, and the all time record is 107.6 in the winter of 1995-96. I remember it well. It was our first year living in this house and in early December I decided to, as seemed to be the norm for the new neighborhood, put some outside Christmas lights up, on the bush in front of my front window. A few days after I put those lights up, they were covered in heavy snowfall and we did not see them again until April. *That's* how much snow we had that year. I decided that was a sign from the universe that I was not meant to have outside Christmas lights and I never attempted that shit again.

Now I will stop talking about crappy winters and visualize myself at a resort in the Caribbean, being served fruity and highly alcoholic beverages by Raul, the handsome pool boy. You go visualize whatever the hell you want.


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