Thursday, January 27, 2011

faithless promise breakers and concern trolls

No, not really. However, my neighbor who offered me the sweet plowing-for-parking deal, did not park in my yard last night and thus did not remove my snow. So I was forced to do it again myself with my Home Depot (not Big Lots, thankyouverymuch) shovel in order to come to work today. As I was plodding along (and having taken my down coat off I was so hot), my neighbor across the street popped over and said, "Andrea, my snowblower isn't working, but please don't try to do this all yourself." I reassured him I was doing just fine and thanked him for his concern.

He went back to his side of the street to finish up, but later came over and started digging out the infamous mailbox! Then a guy from up the street (and his dog) wandered over and asked if I needed help with the muck the snowplows had piled up in the driveway. Oh, sure. His dog had fun exploring my garage, which I'm sure still smells like dead cat, and sniffing my crotch WHICH DOES NOT, in case you were gonna go for the easy joke, bitches. So once again the neighbors aren't being douchebags. However, across the street neighbor, who is nosy as hell, eventually came into my garage, showed me what was broken on my snowblower, opined on what I should do with some of my dad's shit that isn't out of there yet, and then quizzed/lectured me on where my main breaker is and my main water shutoff and what to do in case of emergency. (I did not tell him you people already gave me the tutorial about how to keep my pipes from freezing. I'm pretty sure he knows the word "tutorial" though.) And he said he just worries about me.

So, yeah, as I suspected, the neighbors are pretty sure I am incapable of fending for myself, husbandless and alone, and this is why they've been being nice: outta pity. I guess help offered due to the conviction that you are a helpless pathetic moron (which, yeah, I'm not denying--do I ask you all stupid questions, or what?) is better than no help at all! Got the snow done in two hours instead of three after all.


Addendum: And now I come home to find the part of the sidewalk we didn't do, the part the DPW workers made a big snowpile on with their backhoe last week, has been cleared by someone with a mega snowblower. THAT had to be the guy next door; he leaves early and gets home early. So he is not a faithless promise breaker after all. I think he wants more cookies.


Uncle said...

You get dubious benefits from gender; I get them from age. See my blog.

crispix67 said...

Nice neighbors :-) Many times people live next door to each other for years and never even *meet* their neighbors. Enjoy!

And...obviously you are *not* a helpless pathetic moron, or you wouldn't have been out there shoveling your driveway in the first place. You'd be sitting in front of the TV or still in bed, drooling and worrying about the snow.

(from someone who is much better at telling others not to put themselves down than at telling herself to not do it)

malevolent andrea said...

Uncle, the one difference is that *I* have absolutely no qualms when someone gives me a seat on the Blue Line. I will happily deal with whatever insulting motivation is propelling the offerer if it means I can sit on the T. ;-)

And Ms Crispix, you're in unicorn rainbow puppy land again, aren't you? I love that about you :-)

crispix67 said...

Dont forget the orgasming kittens!! ;-)