Monday, January 10, 2011

solo moderadamente triste

I am out of peanut butter! And almond butter too! As I said to my son half an hour ago, "What am I supposed to have for my second dinner now??!!?" Luckily I solved that problem with a bowl of kashi go lean crunch and (whole) milk. I'm also still drinking the glass of red wine I started with my first dinner (steak, broccoli and carrots, if you must know). I have never had cereal and wine together before. It's not as disgusting as you might think!

But, anyway, this is just a segue for me to discuss an article I read today dissecting that Special K diet that those sleazy corporate purveyors-of-fake-food motherfuckers are trying especially hard in January to foist upon the wimmins of America and Britain. Someone did the math. If you eat their suggested meal plan, you wanna know how many calories you'll ingest for the entire day? Less than 900. The majority of them from cardboard-like food substances drenched in HFCS. Yum! Dudes, I lost 20 pounds eating CHEESE and drinking the occasional beer. I pick my way.

And yet women have this crap shoved into their minds constantly. Do you know how many chicks think it's perfectly reasonable to subsist on 1200 calories a day? Not when they're dieting, mind, but every freaking day of their lives? Okay, that *is* muy triste.

Food is good. You heard it here first.



crispix67 said...

Amen! I just saw a Special K commercial where a woman dressed in a red coat and white scarf, apparently thinks she's as fat as Santa when reindeer show up at her house. For the record, she is not. Not even close. Such bulls***!!

malevolent andrea said...

That's the other pernicious part! In all those commercials (Special K, "girl" yogurt, etc) the women are not only not overweight, they're thin. But us wimmins aren't ever good enough, doncha know.

Uncle said...

Of course, there's my type of Special K diet. I'm looking forward to eating 1200 cal a day. You're right of course: it all sux

malevolent andrea said...

:-( :-(

That's part of the irony, isn't it? The proposed to solution to "oh, my jeans are a little tight" is "eat like someone whose serious medical problem makes it hard for them to get food down!"